Canelo Álvarez reveals the truth about Crawford’s career

Terence Crawford got angry today and reacted when Canelo Álvarez minimized his record saying that he has only fought a “good” one opponent during his 17-year professional career, Errol Spence, and that was after suffering a terrifying car accident in 2019.

Álvarez: “A good victory”

Canelo seems to have mixed feelings about giving an inexperienced and unproven fighter like Crawford a chance to fight. Terence never fought any of the assassins in 147 or 154.

It’s understandable that Alvarez is attacking Crawford, who has a resume that is without quality wins because that’s the truth. It’s an example of how fighters can float through divisions, capturing titles against weak opposition and then calling out a popular fighter for money. There is a system for this. What Crawford has done in winning four division titles is no different than what Adrien Bronner did to achieve the same feat.

Terence’s four-division world title wins

– Israel Madrimov – 154
– Jeff Horn – 147
– Tomás Dulorme – 140
– Ricky Burns – 135

Canelo wouldn’t have a problem with Crawford if he’d at least done that, and that’s not asking a lot. King Canelo would be right to insist that Crawford put his soft skin into the general population at 168 to mix with the top predatorsBenavidez, Morrell, Osleys Iglesias, Christian Mbilli and Diego Pacheco.

Four-division Crawford was hurt by Canelo’s precise truth, but all he could respond was that he had “always had the joy of making” his opponents into “nobodies.” But when they were nobody when he fought them, what does that say about Crawford?

Álvarez (62-2-2, 39 KOs) revealed the truth about Crawford’s career. He’s only beaten one good wrestler, Spence, and that was after being physically devastated by his car accident in 2019. Once you get past the win over Errol, there’s no one on Terence’s resume who you can call a good wrestler. . They either got shot when Crawford fought them or they got a B level for their entire career.

Crawford defends his legacy

“Haha, that’s crazy! So all the fighters I’ve fought aren’t good, but one? Noted! Just remember what you said because I’ve always had the joy of making someone look like nobody,” said Terence Crawford in unknownreacting to Canelo Álvarez saying that he has only beaten “one good fighter,” Errol Spence, during his 17-year professional career.

“I respect Terence Crawford, but he only won one big fight. If you look at his record, he just beat a good fighter. Other than that, I don’t think he’s beating any great fighter like Spence,” Canelo Álvarez said in an interview with TMZ Sport.

Analyzing Crawford’s victories

– Israel Madrimov
-Errol Spence
–Shawn Porter
– Victor Postol
-Jeff Horn
– José Benavídez Jr.
“Kell Brook.”
–Amir Khan
– Ricky Burns
– Yuriorkis Gamboa

Turki Al-Sheikh should tell Crawford that he must beat these three fighters to win the fight against Canelo:

  1. David Benavidez
  2. David Morell
  3. Osley Iglesias

I would agree with Turki if he insisted that Crawford run this little challenge to win Canelo. golden parachute retirement money. I mean, isn’t that how it’s done in the NFL and NBA? You play against the best teams and go to the playoffs and championship games for a chance to win the biggest prize. Crawford is trying to take a shortcut to gold and I can’t respect that. That sets a bad example that others will follow, knowing they can advance through a career, picking vulnerable prey to get that magical retirement payday.

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